Chelsea Simmons

Chelsea Simmons was born in Walnut Creek, California. She currently lives in Danville, California. She was raised as an only child by her parents in Concord. Oftentimes, she would entertain herself as a child with an overactive imagination. This overactive imagination often translates in work that is playful in nature by its exploration of nostalgia and toylike elements. 

She attended Acalanes High School in Lafayette and studied her undergraduate in Graphic Design at CSU Stanislaus. She later went on to study Digital Media at San Jose State.

She became inspired to work in an art field due to her upbringing of her parents, an architect and an artist.

 Chelsea works mostly in Adobe Premiere, Maya and Adobe After Effects but also enjoys hardware application and game design. While creating a project in a digital platform, Chelsea utilizes her fine art background first to help  her plan the final piece. She has special interests in city planning and enjoys exploring themes in time across space, artificial intelligence, virtual reality in its application to therapy. Her work strives to make the intangible , tangible, explore the ethereal and build connections within communities. 

Chelsea Simmons
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