Kuan-Ju Wu


New Media Artist, Creative Technologist, Interaction De- signer, Playful Educator.

Kuan-Ju Wu is interested in creating delightful interactions between humans, machines, and environments. He builds kinetic sculptures and tangible in- terfaces that borrow facets from the shapes and movements of nature, from the stories about the future machines, and the perceptual memories from our early childhood, those intuitive, rich and satisfying experiences. He has shown work in such venues as Frame Gallery, Pittsburgh; Assem- ble Gallery, Pittsburgh; the Nook Gallery, Los Angeles, and Interacción I/O/I, Disseny Hub Barcelona,

Kuan-Ju currently works as a lab manager at CITRIS Invention lab and teaches at Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, UC Berkeley.

Kuan-Ju Wu received his Master’s in Tangible Interaction Design from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA and his Bachelor in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.

Kuan-Ju Wu
Kuan-Ju Wu on Instagram