Linda Franco – CODAME Featured Fashiontech Industry Insider
Linda Franco, entrepreneurial tech-fashionista, started out studying marketing and strategic design at Centro University in Mexico City. Shortly after, she co-founded The Gyzu Experiement, a web design and development firm, and alongside this she set up the Plan de Escape prison project which taught male inmates the ins and outs of fashion and trends with the end goal of creating their own fashion label. As for her current projects at Machina Wearable Technology, Linda and her team are taking the industry to the next level with the idea of open source in wearable tech. She is on a cutting edge when it comes to creating interactive wearable tech design that can be worn by anyone, in consideration with its aesthetics and functionality.
Linda will present her current project with Machina Wearable Technology, MIDI Controller Jacket v1.0. This jacket allows the user to create music through motion and touch sensors with a mobile app. Linda and her team spent months on research to have the perfect fabrics, that could later interact organically with the chosen technology, the design being functional for the user, and visual identity of a product being appealing to aspiring musicians, fashionistas, and people who like cool lifestyle stuff. Welcome to ORGANICISM, DIGITALIZED GLOBAL BRAIN.
Meet Linda and her team at our CODAME FASHION+TECH Event June 26th, 2013 from 7pm-2am at Public Works, San Francisco.