Adopt ART+TECH with Anouk & Reza

“It might be surprising to note that a number of tech companies are investing increasingly in artist residency programs. In fact, two of the biggest tech companies in the region — Facebook and Autodesk — maintain active residency programs. For companies without the infrastructure for such endeavors, local art and technology non-profit CODAME offers to pair tech companies with artists for individual projects through their ‘Adopt An Artist’ program.”  – Ceci Moss

Join us for an evening to get inspired! Celebrate the Adopt Program with notable CODAME Featured Artists: Anouk and Reza.

Learn about their residency experiences, perspectives and projects. See for yourself how they embrace innovation through creativity, play, and collaboration between artists and technologists.

Installation Premier: Interactive experience created by Donald Hanson in collaboration with Anouk Wipprecht.

Special thanks to the Salesforce UX team, our Host & Sponsor for this event.

Location: Salesforce Cafe’ Rincon Center, 101 Spear St., San Francisco, CA 94105



6:00pm – Doors Open – Drinks and Snacks

6:45pm – Craig Villamor, Chief Product Designer @Salesforce, on Art, Technology, and “Adoptions”

7:00pm – Reza Ali talk and Q&A

7:45pm – Anouk Wipprecht talk and Q&A

8:30pm – Donald Hanson + Anouk installation premiere


Anouk Wipprecht is a Dutch-based fashion-tech designer and innovator who works in the emerging field of electronic couture, a rare combination of fashion design combined with engineering, science and interaction/user experience design.  Part futuristic, part anime-meets-high fashion, her designs move, breathe, and react to the environment around them –designs that bring together systems around the body that gravitate towards artificial intelligence.

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Reza Ali is a computational designer and creative engineer who is interested in art, science, and entrepreneurship. He uses code to express himself visually, and creates tools and libraries to help others create by sharing his methodology.  

About CODAME ART+TECH Adopt Program

Based on a flexible model tailored to your unique organizational needs, the Adopt Program enables companies to collaborate with a diverse community of artists making and hacking in a range of media—from projection mapping, motion sensors and wearable technologies to robotics, data visualization and MIDI controllers. A few thought starters for the potential Adoptions:

  • Interactive installations for conventions, trade shows or on your site.
  • Artist In Residence create and collaborate for a week, month or quarter.
  • Data visualizations to support marketing and branding efforts in a fun and creative way.
  • Video installations to illuminate your vision and inspirit talent.
  • Office space distinctive original artworks.
  • Inspirational talks with artists working in the intersection of art and technology.
  • Workshops with your teams of any discipline or size.
  • Events private or public, always unique, educational, and community inspiring.
  • Showcase capabilities of your products, while supporting the vital San Francisco creative culture.


Adopt ART+TECH with Anouk & Reza from CODAME on Vimeo.

Adopt Program is Nonprofit: CODAME accepts tax deductible donations as members of Intersection for the Arts, a 501(c)(3). We can tailor content to match any budget, with each project as unique as your organization. Let’s begin the conversation.

Read about the Adopt Program and other artist residencies in the Bay Area: