CODAME on The Playa!

Burning Man is an experience of self expression featuring projects and workshops of all kinds and combining the old, the new and the never seen before in one place for one week. It attracts a crowd of creators and inventors that gather in the desert to celebrate without the boundaries of civilized space and society. CODAME wants to jump into this melting pot to spread the spark of passion for technology further and gather like-minded people for a celebration of ART+TECH.

Clusterf*ck (plural clusterf*cks)

(slang, chiefly military) A confusing or chaotic situation or event, often caused by a failure of communication, an excessive number of people attempting to accomplish a given task.

United (adjective)

Involving the joint activity of multiple agents.

A camp without any specific goal other than of encouraging 100% participation, self-expression, creativity, and community from EVERY member.

CODAME on the PLAYA is a celebration of Art+Tech with drinks, music, prototypes, inventions, games and more and will happen on Thursday, August 29th at dusk at 4:30 art plaza at 8:30 up to 9:00, along G.


Our mission is to bring together artists, technologists, and designers that push the boundaries of hardware, software, and physical/digital mediums for one evening to play and share.

Emerging talents that will show their projects are:

  • Xavi Vives Riba, with his award winning project Ludovico. Licensed under Creative Commons, Ludovico is an interactive visual piece of software that works with GIFs.
  • Pablo Alvarez Yanez, with an Arduino powered sound reactive installation: Dust, intricate messy wires, LEDs and paper lanterns will transport you into the underworld of a cyberpunk far East metropolis where electronic beats and light spheres take over the night of Black Rock City
  • You!

If interested to put up your piece at Clusterf*ck United please email us to inquire about tech specs and space for art.

We can provide transportation of your piece to the playa and a camping space at Clusterf*ck United.

Please be aware that Black Rock City is a place of extreme weather conditions, all installations need to be secured for wind and dust and lightened at night.