WHERE+WHEN� Thursday, Oct 3, 2013 from 6:30 to 10:30pm�San Francisco, CA at Geekdom � 620 Folsom St. RSVP CONFIRMED VISUAL
- Cabbibo interactive leap installation
- Deeje�multi-touchscreen visuals generated from your dancing finger data points
- Kinetech�Time Bubble, where a wave of hands brings you back the past.
BYOB OFFICIAL In addition to the confirmed artists we are hosting Bring Your Own Beamer space! If you plan on bringing a projector with your work please contact us�ahead of time for planning, and we will add your name/link here if desired. ART by CODE A silent auction for traditional wall hanging pieces by artists working with algorithms, logic and data!
- Antonio Cortez,�Kristin Henry,�Josh Nimoy,�Matthew Cella��
CELEBRATE + DONATE Drink to support CODAME!�Drinks made only for this event, available for your�enjoyment�and consumption. Thanks to�Chartio and Rackspace�s�love for ART+TECH! CALL FOR ARTISTS If you want your fingers off homerow and into the pi, contact us! Always keen to integrate fresh work exploring the intersection of ART+TECH, and especially #dataviz for this event. SPONSORS CODAME is possible with allies like you� contact us to contribute. Every bit and byte helps!