Glitch-me Introduction

Part of the 10th annual CODAME ART+TECH Festival (included in the

 Festival Pass and All Access Pass )

Friday, Dec 18, 2020, 10:30 AM PST (30 min) (check your timezone) 


The project is a work-in-progress online platform for networked performances, which aims to introduce performative coding experiences to non-coders. When opened on a browser, the website shows a fullscreen-canvas of analog-synthesizer-inspired glitches, which may operate on a webcam feed, using Hydra live-coding environment created by a collaborator, Olivia Jack. In addition to showing “video effects,” multiple buttons and sliders appear on the webpage that trigger different video sources including webcam and effects; moreover, the trigger is also sent to other browsers opened online, in other words, everyone can influence each other’s video feed with or without the knowledge of programming language. This opens up opportunities to online art-technology collaboration in different ways, for example, to be used for a networked performance between a dancer and a digital artist or a casual video call in which participants trigger different effects to add intimacy to the communication.

Although the project is under development, we would like to use the opportunity either as a workshop/coding-jam format to discuss ideas with people interested in networked performance; or as a lecture-performance to present a new dimension of online collaboration using glitches, body and code. In both scenarios, we continue developing the platform (html, css, javascript) during the presentation in a performative manner and it stays as an online installation to be accessed any time.



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