Make AR Holiday Cards

Part of the 10th annual CODAME ART+TECH Festival

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020, 6:00 PM PST (1 hour 45 min) (check your timezone) 


Personalize a template to create a holiday greeting card with an interactive experience where 3D objects are seemingly placed in the real world. (Augmented reality). Create a fun combination of the real and virtual world as an original way to greet your friends and family. The result can be viewed on modern smartphones (iPhone SE and newer.) This workshop is accessible for those with no coding or 3d modeling experience. Those with HTML/CSS or Blender skills will be able to further customize. Proceeds from this workshop will benefit Rainbow Railroad, helping to resettle LGBT folks from unsafe countries. 


CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020

Or get the ALL ACCESS pass to CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020 #JOYNT for 10 days of Workshops, Live Events, and Anytime Experiences!





  • Open to all levels.
  • No specific background required for this workshop, just bring your curiosity! 



  • TBA



  Environment Setup:

  • Please open a Glitch account (free)
  • If possible, bring a 3d model in both .glb and .usdz formats. You can find free 3d models on Sketchfab

  and as usual:

  • Computer & power/charger.
  • Zoom installed ahead of time.
  • Optional: 2nd monitor or screen so you can see the Zoom while working.
  • Hop on the CODAME Discord if you have questions!



  • Slides TBA




『 CODAME #CodeArtTogether Workshops 』





Connecting, Creating, and Celebrating are pillars of the CODAME #CodeArtTogether workshops

Workshops are great for team building, remote or IRL. They cultivate space to play, which guides sense-making and sparks innovation. Attendees become featured artists with the option to show their workshop creations in CODAME galleries. Learn more about this exciting offering!

What topics grab your curiosity to learn or teach? Let us know through our call for workshops and #JOYNT US as a sponsor, volunteer, or workshop leader!



CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020

Or get the ALL ACCESS pass to CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020 #JOYNT for 10 days of Workshops, Live Events, and Anytime Experiences!



💟 👾 💜 👾 💟

CODAME is a member of Intersection for the Arts 
a non profit 501(c)(3) organization.

All proceeds will be split with the participating artists.

Donations are always welcome.

Thank you for your support for ART ♥️ TECH !!!

Code of Conduct for all attendees. 




