ANI: Live Set

An ANI live set is a one-time experience. From two iPads and a effects unit comes everything from dancey techno to dreamy ambient music that adapts to the mood of the party. This is because ANI is not a DJ but a live-looping improvisational musician using electronica as her medium.

ANI has played festivals along the West Coast since 2012. Her set includes the audience energy in real-time into the music and can add visuals from an overhead camera or textures from computer-generated art.

She is based in San Francisco.

Main Equipment Used:

  • 2x iPads
  • 1x Kaoss KP3 Effects Unit
  • 2x 25-key USB keyboards
  • 4-channel mixer

Additional Equipment Used:

  • 1x overhead web cam
  • 1x projector
  • 1x computer
  • 1x PA system

Space and Power Requirements:

  • 7'x5' w/out PA system
  • 12x5' w/ PA system
  • 1x 3-prong grounded outlet



ANI: Live Set
ANI: Live Set on Twitter