
PhenoTyptych directed by Michael Garrigues, Choreographed by Jenay “ShinobiJaxx” Anolin, Sound design by Barragoon. Presenting dancers Anastasia Ryzhova and Nina Wu.

“PhenoTyptych,” tracks the arc of evolution from simple life forms to our current competitive complex organisms -  followed by de-evolution back into baser life forms after the implosion of our hyper-networked social and over-complex technological networks. 

Choreography by Jenay “ShinobiJaxx" Anolin will illustrate this journey ranging from precise technical movements, to bursts of street moves celebrating contemporary culture. LED lights outline the dancers bodies as they move through darkened space. Via a slow motion effect applied during projection, their forms become expressions of light energy - sliding, writhing and dancing.

Dancers Anastasia Ryzhova and Nina Wu will be accompanied by DJ Barragoon’s rich soundscape, which will carry us on a journey from the bubbling soup of early life to when electrons take their final spin around the freezing atoms of the universe.

Michael Garrigues first explored  the intersection of the human form and technology creatively with his play “Waiting for the Inkie” a cyber-family satire, where human embryos are augmented by smart drugs, and language tapes, to his feature documentary “J, Robot”  which explores why Japan of all the other nations in the world have a special fondness for the humanoid robot form.  “J, Robot” appeared in numerous film festivals and was a featured film at the Robot Art Festival in Prague, selected for Australian Scienema Science Film Festival and shown in 400 schools, libraries, art galleries and museums throughout  Australia in 2012.

Jenay “ShinobiJaxx” Anolin is the Co-Founder and Director of Mix’d Ingrdnts Dance Company. She previously was a member of Philadelphia’s Hip Hop Dance Theater Company Rennie Harris RHAW. She started the Oakland youth group “The GroovLings” and has performed with Bay Area Dance Companies such as The Oakland Ballet Company, New Style Motherlode, and La Femme Panache.

Soundscape Designer
Julian Barragan, a DJ/Producer known as “Barragoon” pushes his experimental beats all around his native city of Chicago.  HIs beats have been heard at The Mid, Concord Music Hall, Evil Olive, and North Coast Music Festival, just to name a few.

PhenoTyptych will be premiering at the 2015 CODAME Art+Tech festival on Saturday October 24th.