Surveillance Phone

Cave Plexum is an “alternate reality” in which the object Surveillance Phone is the rabbit hole*.

Surveillance Phone and Cave Plexum are collaborative pieces by Vivian Charlesworth and Alyson Ogasian

* “A rabbithole, or trailhead, marks the first media artifact, be it a website, contact, or puzzle, that draws in players.”

Vivian Charlesworth and Alyson Ogasian’s collaborative work draws from multiple disciplines including geology, politics, history, archeology, and environmental science, as well as their diverse professional experience in the fields of law, theater and environmental political action. Ogasian and Charlesworth work as artists and researchers to generate narratives that explore environmental disintegration, public policy and military industrial development. Together they use science fiction as a methodology to create work that re-examines historical and current events.

Experience Surveillance Phone at CODAME ART+TECH Friday Oct. 31st, at Geekdom – 620 Folsom St., San Francisco

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Surveillance Phone