Walk in my World

Walk In My World is an immersive VR environment that uses photogrammetry to create a surreal and uncanny internal landscape. You are free to explore multiple plains of tiny assemblages that have been scaled to appear stories high. Many of the objects have personal meaning to me and their reordering emulates my dream spaces. My dreams are often full of detailed and recognizable imagery, but transfigured in impossible ways. To enhance this sensation, certain didactic constraints are put in place – like having hands, but being unable to grab objects, the ability to pass through the solid states and if you fall off the edge you are delivered back to where you started. 

I have always been fascinated by the ephemeral places I explore in REM sleep. As a painter and sculptor, I have often experimented with creating full-wall installation spaces to bring people into that world behind my eyes. In many ways, Walk In My World, is the culmination of this and the embodiment of “Third Space”. It is simultaneously, “abstract and concrete,” “real and imagined.”



Walk in my World