Chris Henschke

Chris Henschke is an artist who works with digital and analogue media, sound and light, and high-energy physics. Since the end of the 20th Century, he has been exhibiting around Australia and internationally. A key component of his practice is in interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, and he has undertaken a variety of art residencies, including an online artist residency at the National Gallery of Australia, 2004, an Asialink residency, 2007, and two residencies at the Australian Synchrotron, both made possible by the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) with the support of Arts Victoria (2007) and the Australia Council for the Arts (2010).

He has recently completed a Doctorate of Philosophy at Monash University, which included on-site work at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland, as part of the ‘art@CMS’ collaboration. Exhibitions of the work he has produced at CERN include the following: ‘How Everything Began’ a group show at the Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria, 2016; the ‘Symmetries’ group show at the ‘SUSY’ conference on supersymmetry in particle physics at the University of Melbourne, 2015, which he produced and curated; ‘Circulez’, on site at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland.


Chris Henschke