
Join CODAME ART+TECH Intersections 

On Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, from 6pm-10pm, projection, installation, and performance art will enliven the beautiful Fort Mason campus at San Francisco Art Institute. Join this bold, curious, and talented crew of artists, scientists, and technologists for an unforgettable cross-disciplinary evening as part of Leonardo/ISAST 50th year celebration of visionary collaboration between art and science. 

In Intersections, CODAME showcases work that defies boundaries: Where art meets technology, experiment and play collide, and new media wander curiously in the footsteps of old. Featuring gallery installations, screenings, and performances, Intersections explores the surprising, inspiring, and challenging crossings of art, science, and technology as part of the Leonardo Convening. 

Perfomance Schedule

6:30 PM - sub-TIDAL by Ryan Huber, et al

6:40 PM - When Worlds Collide by Chris Henschke

6:50 PM - Arido Taurajo by James Morgan

7.05pm - Audiovisual Improvisations by Bill Hsu, et. al

7.30pm - David Rosenboom

8:00pm - The Factronauts in the Field    

8.20pm - eTOoTO by Yasushi Matsui and Dakim          

9:00pm - 1945-2015 by Kinetech Arts 

 What is the purpose of creative vision in a world dominated by science and technology? Though commonly thought to inhabit distinct worlds, the “two cultures” of art and science have long collaborated for common purpose. Motivated by deep curiosity, imagination, and a shared sense of wonder, artists and scientists ask questions of the material world. How does it work? Why does it matter? What happens if…? In light of recent environmental and technological developments, these questions take on a renewed urgency. Animated by Leonardo’s 50-year commitment to building bridges across disciplines, at Intersections we explore several overlapping themes that have emerged over these decades of artistic and scientific collaboration. 

The works in Intersections examine the interrelationship of humans and our environments, whether organic or algorithmic. They envision and reimagine human activity in the strange, curious, wonderful, and perplexing cauldron of existence. From the microscopic to the gigantic, the tangible to the ephemeral, we share our world with a thriving universe of atoms, data, bacteria, and code. 

In Intersections, we invite you to touch, listen, watch, and feel the profound transformations we have wrought upon our living world, and that world upon us. Come journey with us through the particle accelerator, the network, the camera lens, the data cloud, the waterway, and the algal bloom. 
About The Convening

We live in a world where artists, scientists and engineers can work together to solve issues of the 21st Century. Please join us in celebrating 50 Years of the Leonardo Journal at their Convening this November 3-4. CODAME is happy to include several Leonardo authors and artists into the "Intersections" evening. The two-day event themed "Where Ideas Don't Take Sides" is neither a conference or festival but a moment to community building. Please join us using discount code LEONETWORK2018 register ->


CODAME runs not for profit events as members of Intersection for the Arts a 501(c)(3) and all proceeds will be split with the participating artists.There are many ways to support us:

  • Get your tickets for the event
  • Invite your friends or your teammates
  • Join us as a volunteer, we always need one more hand
  • Support ART+TECH and become a sponsor or partner.

Thank you for your support for ART ♥️ TECH !!!

We love to hear from you. Contact us anytime even just to say hi! 

Codame Code of Conduct for all event attendees.   

Poster Art by Yiying Lu