Josh Nimoy

Josh is a prolific artist and composer that has created a great deal of work ranging from stunning computer generated art, to playful interactive pieces that allow the user to create fun visuals with a generated audio soundtrack.  His work contains a fusion of math and art – which helped create the visual experience of the blockbuster film, Tron:Legacy as well as a number of gallery shows.  Read more about Nimoy’s work on the film.

Artwork available at DEFCON x CODAME for a Silent Auction

Sublime serendipity, and the universality of biological syntax. Use a chaos game iterative function with slowly shifting transforms, producing painterly smearing. The program takes about as long to render this as a human would need to physically paint it. 2400 DPI prints, coded in Java/Processing, implement an iterative function.


Titles: Sky #6 + Sky #7 Medium: Giclee on Archival, acid-free watercolor paper

Nimoy’s Bandwidth application is described as a “synaesthetic, interactive musical experience” which is a fun music creation toy:

His application BallDroppings integrates his programming prowess and musical composition by allowing users to play with balls falling while creating music as they bounce.  It is a great way to get lost playing with bouncing balls as well as making your own musical compositions.  Give it a try!

Josh Nimoy’s ‘BallDroppings’ was the only way I got off my crack habit.

— James Clar, EyeBeam


Josh Nimoy