Raegan Truax

Photo Credit: Jeremiah Barber

An artist and scholar, Raegan Truax’s durational performances have been included within The Marina Abramovic Institute’s Immaterial archive and presented at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZKU) in Berlin, SOMarts in San Francisco, grüntaler9 in Berlin, Berlin Art Week, and Performance Studies International. She has additionally performed at Centro Negra with AADK in Blanca Spain, Dance Theatre Workshop in New York City, the Performance Arts Institute in San Francisco, and The New Museum in New York City.  Her most recent work, Sloughing, occurred across 19 different locations in the Bay Area over 28-days.   In September 2017, Truax will partner with CounterPulse to mount a 37-hour durational performance titled Citation.


Raegan Truax
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