Matchbox Salons

Matching CODAME and CounterPulse Artists

Matchbox is a monthly salon, a forum for the open exchange of art and ideas, sparking transformation in our communities and our society, seeding new cross-disciplinary collaborations.

CODAME and CounterPulse will select and pair Artists from the respective networks to drive participation, engagement, and understanding of the ongoing programming of each of the organizations.

Each pair will conduct research on the other artist’s practice, process, and form. They will then create context providing engagement in the form of writings published to CounterPulse and CODAME, pre-performance events, and other creative responses to build cross-discipline literacy and participation.

Salons and Artist activities are designed to demonstrate the shared, yet differently articulated values of these two creative communities, and effectively bridge existing gaps in the cultural communities of the Tenderloin.

Matchbox monthly events will be hosted onsite at CounterPulse, a space and resources for emerging artists and cultural innovators, to co-host Matchbox at their new facility at 80 Turk Street.


Next Matchbox Salon


July 20, 2017: 6x6 Lightning Stalkers

A special bonus round Matchbox featuring 12 artists participating in the playful Cyber Stalking format spearheaded by Mica Sigourney and Jordan Gray earlier this year! A Pecha Kucha inspired presentation format will keep things snappy and fill your head with excitement and questions to share with the artists in the happy hour following the program.

  1. Javier Fresquez + Yagmur Uyanik
  2. Evan Johnson + Kawandeep Virdee
  3. Raegan Truax + Yanling He 
  4. Clement Hil Goldberg + Alex Glow
  5. Randy Reyes + Gary Boodhoo
  6. Maryam Rostami + Jeffery Yip 


Past Matchboxes... 



May 16, 2017: Hope Mohr and Rich DDT

This is the next in our series of invited artist salons inspired by the generative potential of friction, the striking power of the match box. Creativity is often related to fire, and these salons will be hot. Aimed at intersecting the private and the social, the practice and the artist, the context and the content we gather to rub up against each other to see what ignites. 

This salon will feature choreographer Hope Mohr and interactive installation designer, Rich DDT




March 7, 2017: Xandra Ibarra and Marpi 

Featuring digital artist, Marpi and performance artist, Xandra Ibarra, aka La Chica Boom.

The two are cooking up an evening about insects: real, imagined, and simulated. From evolution to ecdysis, what can we learn about simulating creatures virtually and performatively? Anyone familiar with Ibarra’s work will remember her playful, and pointed appropriation of the cucaracha in a number of her performances, installations, and photos. In Marpi and Ibarra’s investigations of each other’s practices, the artists have found winding interest overlaps around symmetry and behavior as programming. Expect an evening of curious and critical inquiry into these ideas through the lens of bugs and creatures.

Hosted drinks and snacks - get your physical and figurative belly filled.


Jan. 24, 2017: Mica Sigourney and Jordan Gray

Mica Sigourney is a performance artist, drag queen, curator, gogo dancer, instigator, emcee, and nightlife enthusiast. Utilizing 15 years of performance training Sigourney creates drag numbers, performance installations, gogo happenings, and theater pieces that ride the tension between artifice/construct and vulnerability/authenticity. Sigourney took part in the danceWEB scholarship in 2014 and has a degree in art from Antioch University. He founded OX in 2008, and has curated,  produced works and collaborations with the organization since that time.

Jordan Gray has over 20 years of experience in digital media, starting with scanlating DBZ and running the earliest of internet music distribution labels. In 2009 Jordan founded CODAME, bringing his experience producing concerts and promoting music labels to the world of ART+TECH. Using the staRpauSe alias, Jordan releases photography, music & video art under the Creative Commons.



Nov. 16, 2016: Jesse Hewit and Donald Hanson

This is the first in a series of salons inspired by the generative potential of friction, the striking power of the match box. Creativity is often related to fire, and these salons will be hot. Aimed at intersecting the private and the social, the practice and the artist, the context and the content we gather to rub up against each other to see what ignites. 

This first salon will feature choreographer Jesse Hewit and digital artist/creative coder Donald Hanson. They have been workshopping the personal by sharing weekly letters, they are creatively responding to each other's work, they are tenderly seeking out discomfort as a space of relatability and generation. 



 Codame Code of Conduct for all event attendees.