Founder of data visualization studio Pitch Interactive, technologist, futurist, data artist, traveler, provocateur and aspiring mountaineer. Wesley Grubbs takes overwhelming data sets and turns them into beautiful, easy to understand visuals. His work varies from designs, to user interfaces, to infographics, but there is generally one common thread of political activism underlying it all. Knowing how well he can work with data, we're excited what Wesley decides to visualize for CODAME.
Wes runs Pitch Interactive, a data visualization studio focusing on using new technologies to address complex data. Their work spans illustrations, physical installations, projections, console game user interfaces, software applications, websites and textiles directly with clients Google, Scientific American, The Southern Poverty Law Center, Mozilla, Facebook, eBay, IBM, Dow Jones, GE, The North Face, Propublica, Time Magazine, Twitter, The Wall Streen Journal, Wired Magazine, YouTube and more. Their work has been showcased at San Francisco’s Yerbe Buena Ars Center’s Bay Area Activism exhibit (2016), Fotofest Sensors exhibit, Houston, Texas (2015), Data Drift exhibit at RIXC The Center for New Media Culture, Riga, Latvia (2015), Tomas Van Houtryve - Blue Sky Days exhibit at the Bayeux awards for War Correspondents Festival, Bayeux, France (2015), Talk to Me at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2011), Conversations Électriques at La Panacée, Montpellier, France (2011), the McKnight Artist Fellowship program’s 30th anniversary exhibition, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2012), The Art of Networks, Foosaner Art Museum, Melbourne, Florida (2012), and The Max Planck Science Express Train, Munich (2009) the Data Flow books and many other internationally acclaimed publications.