3D Graphics and Animation with Shader Park
Thursday, December 17th @ 3:00PM PST (timezone converter)

Part of the 10th annual CODAME ART+TECH Festival


Explore 3D shader programming through a Javascript interface without the complexity of GLSL. Shader Park is an open source project for creating real-time graphics and procedural animations. Follow along through multiple examples using a P5.js style live code editor. Expand upon the examples to create your own interactive 3D graphics. Explore the Shader Park community gallery where you can fork other people's creations or feature your own!



CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020

Or get the ALL ACCESS pass to CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020 #JOYNT for 10 days of Workshops, Live Events, and Anytime Experiences!


In computational design, “The real challenge is to discover the intrinsic properties of the new medium and to find out how the stroke you draw via computation is one you could never draw, or even imagine without computation” (John Maeda: Design by Numbers)." 



  • Beginner. No Coding required.


  • Introduction to Shader Park
  • Break-out Group for Exploration
  • Over-view of basic functions and interfaces within Shader Park
  • Tutorial on building objects with Geometry
  • Building a 3d mug, with break-out groups
  • Exploration of more advanced features such as color and modulation
  • Final break-out room to explore what you've learned


  • Quickly create an account with Shader Park (you will have time during to workshop to do this as well)

And the usual:

  • Computer & power/charger.
  • Zoom installed ahead of time.
  • Optional: 2nd monitor or screen so you can see the Zoom while working.
  • Hop on the CODAME Discord if you have questions!



  • Thu, Dec 17
  • 3PM PT - 5PM PT
  • 2.5 hours




CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020

Or get the ALL ACCESS pass to CODAME ART+TECH Festival 2020 #JOYNT for 10 days of Workshops, Live Events, and Anytime Experiences!



『 CODAME #CodeArtTogether Workshops 』





Connecting, Creating, and Celebrating are pillars of the CODAME #CodeArtTogether workshops

Workshops are great for team building, remote or IRL. They cultivate space to play, which guides sense-making and sparks innovation. Attendees become featured artists with the option to show their workshop creations in CODAME galleries. Learn more about this exciting offering!

What topics grab your curiosity to learn or teach? Let us know through our call for workshops and #JOYNT US as a sponsor, volunteer, or workshop leader!



💟 👾 💜 👾 💟

CODAME is a member of Intersection for the Arts 
a non profit 501(c)(3) organization.

All proceeds will be split with the participating artists.

Donations are always welcome.

Thank you for your support for ART ♥️ TECH !!!

Code of Conduct for all attendees.