Google is reportedly planning to reveal a new Android VR headset at its I/O developer’s conference next week. The headset is expected to be a low-cost alternative to rivals such as Oculus Rift, but pricier than Google’s current bare-bones offering, Cardboard. The anticipated launch follows an active period for virtual reality startup investment, with Google-backed VR software developer Magic Leap raising close to $800 million in a February round led by Alibaba. Other VR startups that have raised capital in recent months include Envelop VR and Avegant.
CODAME has been exploring the VR space since Oculus Rift Kickstarter in 2012, in 2014 we had an unforgettable ART+TECH event dedidcated to VR at Mozilla.
On May 17th, on the eve of Google I/O, we're pleased to showcase with our friends at 500 Mobile Collective and SFNT together with some of the best and most innovative minds in VR to show you their latest and greatest!
Connect with the best VR experts in the field, play with latest VR content & devices and learn the latest and greatest trends for VR at this very special event.
Use "codame20" for a 20% discount. Get you ticket here.