Jordan Gray

CODAME Co-Founder + Managing Director

AKA @staRpauSe

Jordan pioneered digital media with online distribution of original music and scanlated manga in the 1990s. Currently, Jordan leads technology, ux, and strategy projects for Fortune 500 companies. His clients include Walmart, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Intel, and Google.

In 2010, Jordan co-founded CODAME to spark visionaries and celebrate the value of playful creativity. CODAME cultivates space for innovation and collaboration with inspiring experiences, including workshops, sales, installations, performances, and the annual ART+TECH Festival.

Jordan's releases his music, photography, and multimedia art under the Creative Commons to encourage remix and reuse. He has a daily moving meditation practice and is certified to instruct Wild Goose Qigong by Grandmaster Hui Liu of Wen Wu School in El Cerrito.

If in San Francisco, we encourage you to connect with Jordan and catch a glimpse of this spirit with Jordan's free Qigong sessions at Sue Bierman Park, every Saturday at 10:00 am.

Jordan's work has featured in New York Times, Vice, Engadget, and more. Some day he'll get around to collecting all those artifacts but until then he'll continue his third person ramblings to an invisible audience. 


Jordan Gray
Jordan Gray on Twitter