ArtsTech Meetup: CODAME Debrief

The�CODAME�Team has been invited by�Impact Hub�for an�ArtsTechmeetup to chat and learn more about our�5ENSES 2013 ART+TECH Festival. We will�explore the ways in which social media and technology can help bring arts and culture to the masses.

�Democratizing� the arts has been a long-standing goal in the art world, and no medium makes it more feasible than the web.�Join us to share ideas, strategies, successes, challenges and network.

Light refreshments and snacks will be served.�Please�RSVP�here�

Featured speakers:

Jonathan Wallraven,�San Francisco-based artist Jonathan�s work simultaneously draws in and overwhelms the eye. His primary body of work is�The Spiral, a series of site-specific black and white wall drawings that blur the lines between installation and comic book art. Since becoming involved with CODAME, his practice has grown to encompass collaboration and interactivity. For the ART+TECH Festival, Wallraven premiered�Techn-O-Ccultic Conjurations, an interactive multimedia performance-installation.�

Bruno Fonzi,�Co-Founder at CODAME ART+TECH and Lanica, Inc.�Commodore at CODAME, running not-for-profit ART+TECH events bringing together artists, coders, game developers, creators, performers and musicians to create and experience the intersection of Art and Technology. Bruno is also a startup advisor and co-founder at�Lanica�building a state-of-art mobile development platform. In his previous years, he worked at Adobe where he led a worldwide team of engineers, responsible for product development of the creative suite of applications and services to support mobile devices.

Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray�(aka starPause the k9d) is Manager of Creative Labs @OrganicInc�and co-founder of CODAME, a SF based event celebrating the intersection of ART+TECH. He loves modular analog video synthesis, bicycles, photography, electronic music, dayan qigong & haiku.
