Technology & Creativity - Pushing boundaries

Join our CoFounder Jordan Gray @starpause pushing on industry boundaries!  

DATE AND TIME: Thu, July 19, 2018, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT

LOCATION: The Laundry, 3359 26th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

HOSTED BY: L'Atelier BNP Paribas Americas

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Is technology pushing creativity’s boundaries?

Are we entering a new era of creativity after centuries focused on mass production following the industrial revolution? What trends can we foresee for the creative industries? How will the relationship between industry, brands and customer evolve with the new technological capabilities?

Join us at the Laundry in San Francisco to discuss how technology is impacting the creative industries around food & drinks.

Roundtable featuring:

Eliane Fiolet | Co-founder and Editor of

Eliane writes about web applications, design and usability. In her parallel life, she owns a Corporate ID design business that helps companies create great brands. Prior to opening her own agency, Eliane worked for a top design firm, Minale Tattersfield Design Strategy, where she created identities for Fortune 500 companies. She also worked in the video game industry as a designer for an award-winning adventure game. Eliane holds a master degree in visual communication and design from the “Art Decoratifs” college and she majored in mathematics and physics in high school. Launched in September 2004, Ubergizmo has quickly become one of the top consumer electronics blogs in the US and in the world. Among other things, the site is a Webby Award Honoree, has been ranked as a Top100 Blog by PC Magazine and Technorati, and is media partner with DEMO and Web 2.0.

Jordan Gray | CODAME Co-Founder + Creative Technology Consultant

Jordan has been active in digital media for over 20 years. What started with running the earliest of internet music distribution labels lead to UX Prototyping and Technology Direction for Fortune 500 companies including Walmart, AT&T, Wells Fargo, PepsiCo, Intel, and Sports Illustrated. Always an organizer and platform-builder, Jordan founded CODAME in 2010 to inspire play where ART+TECH intersect. The discipline-spanning community has built over 20 ground-breaking projects & showcased more than 200 artists to an audience of over 15,000 profesionals who are developing and designing our future. Using the staRpauSe alias, Jordan releases his own photography, music, dj mixes, vj loops, gifs, stems, 3d scans & video art under the Creative Commons. His work has been featured in New York Times, Vice, Engadget and many more. Away from the screen is a moving meditation mentor, certified to instruct Dayan Qigong by Grandmaster Hui Liu at Wen Wu School in El Cerito. He also finds flow through bicycles, whether he's riding or wrenching.

Julien Rouillac | Principal Industrial Designer at 3DSystems

Julien is part of 3D Systems creative lab in Berkeley. He Leads 3D Systems industrial design portfolio and explore new ways of using 3D printing material to change design and manufacturing as we know it. Over the past 5 years, Julien designed most of 3D SYSTEMS printers and collaborated with various industries such as advance prosthetic, 3D printed fashion and scoliosis brace, food printing, eye-wear, car styling, aerospace. His 3D printing work ha​s been featured in many prestigious events and spaces including the Smithsonian museum, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York. Julien studied design at ISD RUBIKA in Valenciennes FRANCE, where he received a Master in Industrial Design in 2005. Prior to joining 3D Systems, Julien worked as a lead industrial designer at Newdesigndesign Studio in San Francisco and CBD studio Denmark/China. His work has been featured in a number of international publications and exhibits and received recognition from ID magazine, Business Week / IDEA, Good Design and Red Dot Design Awards.

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