
Selfie culture floods us with a never ending stream of egos. Those curated artifacts are not us, but mirror some part of us. HoloShatter offers an opportunity to unpack that facade.

Using a tap gesture, human forms are placed in holographic space, integrated with the real world. Models can be viewed from any angle by physically moving around them. Another tap will shatter the bodies into cybernetic shards.

The latest iteration of a series of “shatter” projects by Yosun, HoloShatter is a collaboration with staRpauSe, incorporating full body scans by ModBod.


ΔS HoloShatter is an expression of entropy in-between realities. We invite the witness to play god in this in-between space: create and destroy once-living-beings whose forms have undergone a level of entropy to a point of no-return.

We upload the ego by 3D scanning the person; we abstractify the self by triangulating the resulting scan into a low-poly model. Identity is blurred beyond salient pose in the resulting fragile “glass-like” statuesque digitization.

On the HoloLens, in the augmented reality perspective, the witness is able to summon and shatter these relics at will. Each virtual entity, when created, exists in a real position in space - among real entities. The witness simply makes the “tap gesture” to create and destroy. The composition of what was once a living being, transformed into triangles, is shattered. And, what we were - we are become of digital stardust.



Available for appearances at special events, conference after parties, fine art openings and more. Previous engagements: UXNight: Designing for Augmented Reality, SF AR/CV Meetup, 3dWebFest Salon @Mozilla, Tokyo Design Week, CODAME ART+TECH Festival #ARTEX Artificial Experiences, DreamLogicArt: The Art of Dying, DorkbotSF at GAFFTA, The Harrison SF: Renter Appreciation and more...

 Arrangements can be made to imortalize your form in the installation, contact us for more details.


