ART+TECH Playground
CODAME in transforming the Doll House, future home of CounterPULSE in the Tenderloin, into a vibrant playground for ART + TECH enthusiasts and practitioners. Join us, anytime during the day, for a playful day full of ART+TECH activities, live performances, workshops, electronic music, and interactive projections. Come play with CODAME while supporting artists and the community!


On Saturday, May 31st, 2014 join CODAME in transforming the Doll House, future home of CounterPULSE in the Tenderloin, into a vibrant playground for ART + TECH enthusiasts and practitioners. Join us, anytime during the day, for a playful day full of ART+TECH activities, live performances, workshops, electronic music, and interactive projections. Come play with CODAME while supporting artists and the community!

10:00 AM – Open Doors
10:30 AM – Start to DANCE+HACK
01:00 PM – Isadora and interactive media dance workshop with Ian Winters
02:00 PM – Openframeworks in dance workshop with Weidong Yang from Kinetech Arts
03:00 PM – GLSL WebGL and livecoding workshop with Florian Hoenig and Chris Birke
07:00 PM – Open Bar
08:00 PM – Demos of DANCE+HACK projects
08:45 PM –  Ecstatic Epiphany interactive LED installation opening ceremony
09:00 PM – Lights off for Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB)
09:00 PM – Live electronic music by DatatwinsstaRpauSe,NullsleepStagediver as part of the SHADOWTRAVEL US tour 2014 (SF)

7inch release goodies

Splurge and reserve a limited (50 copies) Glow In The Dark screen printed version of the SHADOWTRAVEL 7″ record by getting an eventbrite ticket.

FREE FOR ALL TO ENJOY: We will be also unveiling the “Ecstatic Epiphany” LED Interactive installation at 8:45PM from CODAME Featured Artist Micah Elizabeth Scott.


This ticket will also include the opportunity to code, dance and hack with Kinetech Arts, other Bay Area Tech-artists for a day of playful exploratory environment.This is non-profit event of artists and technologists in the bay shaping the future of what online interaction could be.

Ian winters



 The Doll House, future home of CounterPULSE in the Tenderloin.