On Saturday, May 31st, 2014 join CODAME in transforming the Doll House, future home of CounterPULSE in the Tenderloin, into a vibrant playground for ART + TECH enthusiasts and practitioners. Join us, anytime during the day, for a playful day full of ART+TECH activities, live performances, workshops, electronic music, and interactive projections. Come play with CODAME while supporting artists and the community!
10:00 AM – Open Doors
10:30 AM – Start to DANCE+HACK
01:00 PM – Isadora and interactive media dance workshop with Ian Winters
02:00 PM – Openframeworks in dance workshop with Weidong Yang from Kinetech Arts
03:00 PM – GLSL WebGL and livecoding workshop with Florian Hoenig and Chris Birke
07:00 PM – Open Bar
08:00 PM – Demos of DANCE+HACK projects
08:45 PM – Ecstatic Epiphany interactive LED installation opening ceremony
09:00 PM – Lights off for Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB)
09:00 PM – Live electronic music by Datatwins, staRpauSe,Nullsleep, Stagediver as part of the SHADOWTRAVEL US tour 2014 (SF)
Splurge and reserve a limited (50 copies) Glow In The Dark screen printed version of the SHADOWTRAVEL 7″ record by getting an eventbrite ticket.
FREE FOR ALL TO ENJOY: We will be also unveiling the “Ecstatic Epiphany” LED Interactive installation at 8:45PM from CODAME Featured Artist Micah Elizabeth Scott.
This ticket will also include the opportunity to code, dance and hack with Kinetech Arts, other Bay Area Tech-artists for a day of playful exploratory environment.This is non-profit event of artists and technologists in the bay shaping the future of what online interaction could be.