On Saturday, May 31st, 2014 As a featured part of CODAME ART+TECH Playground join us for DANCE+HACK with Kinetech Arts, Bay Area Tech-artists and dancers. With a fantastic evening performance series emceed by New Eccentrics, this hack day will explore the future of art/tech interaction by expanding the tools available to artists to capture and transform movement. Come see the artist-of-tomorrow redefine what art and performance can be in a new virtual world!


10:00 AM - Registration/Mixer
10:30 AM - Welcome/Introductions
11:00 AM  - Hack start
01:00 PM - Isadora and interactive media dance workshop with Ian Winters
02:00 PM - Openframeworks in dance workshop with Weidong Yang from Kinetech Arts
03:00 PM - GLSL WebGL and livecoding workshop with Florian Hoenig and Chris Birke
07:00 PM - Open Bar
08:00 PM - Demos
ART+TECH Playground continues


Christine Cali
Daiane Lopes da Silva
David Glowacki
Ian Winters
Kinetech Arts
Tim Thompson
Nicole Zvarik
Matt Langlois

In Parnership with 
Hack Reactor


01:00 AM - Workshop w/ Isadora and interactive media dance with Ian Winters
02:30 PM - Workshop w/ Weidong Yang on Openframeworks
03:00 PM - Workshop w/ Florian Hoenig and Chris Birke on GLSL WebGL and livecoding

80 Turk St.,San Francisco, CA 94109


Who should attend?

This is an great opportunity to explore how movement interact with technology to expand performance possibilities. Hack n Dance!
Tech ninjas, game programmers, and hackers. Come to hack sensors, algorithms and interactivity with a moving body.

People making things look beautiful, sound amazing. Shall we say visual and audio hacking?
Love ART+TECH?  Curious about all the hype? Come check out what all the fuss is about!
What should I bring?
This is a very hands-on and grassroots event. Bring your dance shoes, laptops, mobile phones, Kinects, Oculus Rifts, Leap Motions, wearable computing devices, to whatever inspires you but above all, your energy and your brain! Don't worry if you forget something, there will be tons of stuff to do.
What's the goal of the day?
We want to create an environment that embraces new ideas and technology solutions for the intersection of dance and technology.
How do I form or join a team and why?
The goal is more along discovering the connection between technology and dancer rather than creating new technology. In this hack day we encourage teams to use pre-build technologies. We do encourage participants to start forming teams before the event.
Would you or your organization like to support ?
CODAME events are made possible thanks to volunteers, event donation tickets and sponsors.We welcome the opportunity for you to join us in a collaborative relationship with support, either financial or in-kind, to continue raising the bar of what's possible at the nexus of ART+TECH. Any bits or pixel counts!

Can I make a nonprofit  Tax Deductible Donation?

Yes! We are members of Intersection for the Arts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which allows us to offer you tax deductions for your contributions.

Donate Now! Make sure to select CODAME ART+TECH as the designated donation.