CODAME Featured Artists @ MUTEK.SF

CODAME Featured Artists at MUTEK

Can't wait until October for our CODAME ART+TECH Festival『  S P â–´ C E 』? If your art and tech senses have been tingling (or even if they haven’t), throw some music into the mix and you’ve got yourself a party at Mutek’s events stating May 2nd until May 5th in San Francisco!  

You can find CODAME featured artist Marpi Friday, May 3 for MUTEK.SF Nocturne 1 at 1015 Folsom.Use promo code CODAMExMUTEK for a 10% discount.

You can also find Cere Davis (Liquid Room), Yagmur Uyanik, Joey Verbeke and Jeffrey-bryant (aka ecco screen) at the MUTEK.SF Experience closing party May 5th, at the Midway. Includes 15 art installations, 2 sound systems, a special culinary track, Envelo. A perfect way to finish the festival.