Discovering Virtual Stages and Performance Platforms

This video documents the strategic working session, "Virtual Stages and Performance Platforms," co-presented by EUNIC DC and CODAME. The session gathered leaders and innovators in the performing arts and virtual platforms to explore new formats for digital programming. Partnerships and experimentation continue to create and expand knowledge of the directions in which we could continue taking virtual programming. Documenting session outcomes and charting a path forward for an uncertain, but increasingly virtual, creative future, this video envisions what we might need to make digital cultural programming curatorially coherent, innovative and exploratory, high quality, and interesting for an audience in front of a screen.


Throughout the pandemic, the development of attractive digital cultural programming has accelerated and intensified. It has led to new experiences by forging cultural relationships online and addressing a global audience through virtual means. At the same time, it has been widely acknowledged that – especially in performing arts fields – digital formats that are successful with other media cannot always foster the same intimacy, atmosphere, and experience that live performances can foster.


Co-presented with EUNIC DC, this invitation-only strategic working session gathers leaders and innovators in the performing arts and virtual platforms to explore new formats for digital programming, through moderation by Jordan Gray.