CODAME is teaming up with�B4BEL4B, an experimental art gallery and interactive modular community and event space based out of Oakland, California. �Saturday, September 27th to present a multimedia group art show + tech mixer where both levels of B4BEL4B Gallery will be covered with live visual projections, interactive art + interfaces, light sculptures, video art, holograms, live 3D scanning, live music performance + more for a one night only fully immersive sensory experience!
Featuring 14 different local Bay Area artists from both Oakland + San Francisco, this event will brings together the best of both sides of the bridge and will be a night to remember!
- Saturday, September 27th 7pm � 3am
- B4BEL4B Gallery,�184 10th St. Oakland, CA, Okland, CA
- 2 blocks away from Lake Merritt Bart Station, and begins earlier in the night for SF attendees!
- Gallery doors open at 7pm
- Upstairs Gallery:
- 9:00-9:30pm�Elia Vargas
- Downstairs Stage:
- 9:30-10:30pm ��ANI
- 10:30pm � 11:00pm�Spectrum Electric
- 11:00pm � 11:20pm Shalo P + his new feature film!
- 11:20pm � 12:00am JaMile Jackson w/ dance performance by Black Magic Adventure
- 12:00am � 1:00am�TEEPS
- 1:00am � 2:30amish�staRpauSe
EMi,�VCO Vault,�Dat Phan,�,�LaTurbo Avedon, Luke Judd, Gary Roberts, Jamie Kosoy
Gets your ticket now, support ART+TECH, CODAME and the�Artists